Okay so I've decided to just put all my characters up and put their pictures up too so that if anyone wants to draw them, they are there for them to reference.

Im gonna try to track down all the artists for the arts I put up but I really don't know if I will be able to. Im sorry but you guys know credit goes to you. I claim absolutely NO credit to the arts cause they're just all so gorgeous. ;~;"

Anywho, art is up for those who want to draw them. I would really love it. If you want a little payment, just talk to me about it and I'll see what I can do. I'd be happy to pay you for your hard work ^^

Im going to try and put up a credit page for everyone who drew for me. I don't know how that will go but, we gotta try right? Never hur

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    Nothing fancy about me. Im just a simple girl who has always wanted to get away from her real life ^^"

    Maiyun is my persona and I make her represent me while online, why? because I've never liked myself much so I prefer to pretend to be someone else.


    February 2013
    November 2012